Georgia Frances, a London-based graduate and freelance music photographer, embarked on her career capturing the vibrant energy of live music. Her journey began at Scala, London, photographing Cassia's headlining show—a moment that ignited her passion. Since then, Georgia has lent her lens to notable names like The Hunna, Kid Kapichi, and FaceDown Canterbury.
With a keen eye for detail, she specialises in dynamic live music photography, seamlessly blending styles and experimenting with lighting. Beyond stills, Georgia crafts engaging music videos and visual projects for musicians' social media. A recent graduate, she's actively seeking new projects to collaborate on with emerging talents, showcasing her commitment to capturing the essence of music through her lens.
The Hunna
Kid Kapichi
Lucy Deakin
Saint Clair Band
Alfie Neale
Park Hotel Band
FaceDown Canterbury
Photography (film & digital)
Photo Retouching
Video Production & Editing